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Please send query letter and the first three chapters of your manuscript pasted into the body of the email. Attachments will not be opened, nor previewed, if unrequested.


In addition to the query letter and pasted partial chapters, please include 


  • a complete synopsis, 

  • an author bio

  • social media links

  • a short description of other completed works (to give us a more complete picture of you), and

  • your contact information.


*Both Secular and/or Christian themes welcome.




Please send query letter and the first three chapters of your manuscript pasted into the body of the email. Attachments will not be opened, nor previewed, if unrequested.


In addition to the query letter and pasted partial chapters, please include 


  • a complete synopsis, 

  • the particular Twitter pitch favorited (if applicable), or other origination of the direct request, 

  • the name of the requesting agent, and

  • your contact information.


Thank you!




We each strive to respond to every requested and unsolicited query we receive, but keep in mind that our individual response times vary upon time availability. If you have not heard back from an agent you individually queried within six months from the date you sent the query, you may presume that your project has unfortunately been passed upon.


That being said, if our lack of response has been due merely to a time availability issue, then we have been known to respond to queries that have gone unanswered for six months or longer. So, if you do not wish to receive a response after a certain time, for your own sanity and/or record-keeping reasons, please note that in your initial query. Likewise, if your manuscript is no longer available for consideration, please do remember to withdraw the submission. 

Golden Wheat Literary was founded in an effort to help connect Christian writers with the vast market of both Christian and secular publishers. To stay true to that goal, the manuscripts that are accepted do not need to be overtly Christian, but must be respectful of the Christian faith. Fiction or nonfiction, if your manuscript’s elements can all be true without any part of God’s Word needing to step aside or be discounted, we encourage you to submit! Golden Wheat Literary agents are (like our authors) unique individuals with different backgrounds, beliefs, and literary preferences.   

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